Everything you need to know about Pretty Little Liars

Never trust a pretty girl with an ugly secret…

Creator: I. Marlene King aka the BADDEST bitch of them all!

Where can I even start… Hands down, one of my FAVOURITE TV shows at the moment. Why you ask? Not for the reasons you’re thinking. Not because it’s a genius show that gets the best reviews or because it has no plot holes or character flaws. It is a show that keeps you watching no matter HOW frustrating it gets – no matter how faithful and loyal to the show you’ve been, the fact that at the end of an episode or season, you are left with more questions than you started with. Seriously, this show is some reverse psychology shizz! But hey, that’s EXACTLY what makes it an amazing show… it keeps you interested, it keeps you thirsty, and it keeps you coming BACK. So without further ado, lets get onto what makes Pretty Little Liars, Pretty Little Liars.

pretty little liars intro gif - Buscar con Google

The show introduces us to the majorly screwed up fictional town of Rosewood, where people dress like it’s a cocktail party every day (except maybe for Emily), where parents have AB-solutely no clue what their kids are up to, where people have no faith in the Police, and where every resident is genetically perfect… like seriously, everyone on the show looks physically perfect (Hence the pretty from Pretty Little Liars)!  The early seasons revolved around the disappearance of the queen bee of the group (Ali), and the four high school friends (Hanna, Aria, Spencer and Emily) trying to manage the mystery of Ali’s disappearance and suspecting death, along with the piling dirty secrets that a mysterious stranger is blackmailing to reveal, and the forever scandalous relationships (A high school English teacher and student, a college professor and student, step brother and sister, and your sister’s fiance for starters, anyone?). We get to know the characters pretty well, and the show takes its good time with its little scandals and jump-scares. Thinking back to the older seasons from a newer season’s standpoint… oh how the liars had no clue that the problems they were dancing around were absolutely nothing  when compared to the ones that were waiting to happen in the later seasons…!

The later seasons revolve around the unveiling of the mysterious A, and the story behind him (or her, watch it for yourself!). There is also a time jump happening in Season 6, with the liars having fresh new hair cuts and more sophisticated style and jobs… but no difference in maturity levels, apparently. Years of torture, and still no lessons learned! But hey, more entertainment for my Wednesday, I ain’t complaining. Post time-jump the liars are battling the next villain together, who has a completely different agenda. It has now been confirmed that unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it… the girls NEED a break my gosh!!) season 7 will be the last of the series, leaving behind a legacy.


Aria Montgomery – “When you love someone, it’s worth fighting for, no matter what the odds”

Played by: Lucy Hale (who also auditioned for the role of Hanna Marin) – “I absolutely believe in destiny and the idea that everything happens for a reason. People come in and out of our lives for a purpose”

The artistic, creative, bookworm, once with
pink streaks in her hair. Less ballsy and quite timid when compared to the other girls, unless you count the times when she confronts her dad and his mistress, or when #TeamSparia mode is activated.

Spencer Hastings – “He’s your boyfriend, Aria. He’s not your baby squirrel”

Played by: Troian Bellisario (who, much like the character she plays, is the studious and academic one from the cast) – “remember that you are young, beautiful, individual, and unique and that is worth everything in this world.”

The smarty pants comes from a long line of lawyers. Hardworking, witty, organised, and tough all at the same time. AND having a slight problem with staying faithful in a relationship despite herself…

Hanna Marin – “You have been such a bitch to us, but we heard your story. We understand” 

Played by Ashley Benson (best friend of co-star Shay Mitchell) – “what you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals” 

The blond, fashion obsessed girly girl who has her little moments and sparks of genius, and possibly everyone’s favourite because of her roll-on-the-floor-laughing lines that almost make sense. Had a former love for shoplifting.

Emily Fields – “If lying was a crime, we’d all be in jail” 

Played by the beautiful Shay Mitchell (who is building up an social media empire of her own) – “I don’t panic. The stress shows on your body” 


The girl who loves girls, who we all love to love, who’s not only sporty but also the one with the most normal every day and comparatively casual sense of style on the show. Sneakers all the way with this girl! Also has possibly the most normal family in  Rosewood with lovely parents… probably why she’s also the nicest of all the girls!


Aria Montgomery

Definitely my favourite room not only from the series, but just in general. It is very bohemian room that boasts a LOT of personality and character. Cluttered with books, candles and a million different textures, it gives off a Wiccan and cozy feeling. Definitely the room to snuggle up and read or write for hours.

Spencer Hastings

Spencer comes from the wealthiest household of lawyers in Rosewood. Accordingly, her room gives out a glamorous yet intelligent and efficient vibe, and is seemingly inspired by both vintage and modern decor. This is the room for a busy, and resourceful girl.

Hanna Marin

Matching her fashionista personality, Hanna’s room is the most feminine out of all the girls, with a lot of pink and soft textures. It gives out a very chic and romantic feel at the same time, and can be easily recreated. Just the room for girly girls.


Emily Fields

Emily’s room is the perfect blend of happy that has a nostalgic country-side feeling, with a touch of femininity without overdoing it. Lots of light yellow and greens that somehow reminds me of custard, that gives out a summery, vintage feel.  A perfect room for older girls, who are ready to re-do their rooms once the boy-band phase has passed!


Theme Song: Secret – The Pierces



  1. Teen Choice Awards 2010 (Summer TV Show, Summer TV Star: Male – Ian Harding, Summer TV Star: Female – Lucy Hale)
  2. NewNowNext Awards 2011 (TV You Betta Watch)
  3. Young Hollywood Awards 2011 (Cast to Watch)
  4. Teen Choice Awards 2011 (Summer TV Show, Summer TV Star Female – Lucy Hale, Summer TV Star: Male – Ian Harding)
  5. Banff Television Festival (Best Continuing Series)
  6. Youth Rock Awards 2011 (Rockin’ Actress: TV – Ashley Benson)
  7. People’s Choice Awards 2012 (Favorite Cable TV Drama)
  8. Teen Choice Awards 2012 (TV Show Drama, TV Actor – Ian Harding, TV Actress – Lucy Hale, TV Villain – Janel Parrish, Summer TV Star: Female – Troian Bellisario)
  9. Gracie Awards 2013 (Outstanding Performance by a Female Rising Star – Lucy Hale)
  10. Teen Choice Awards 2013 (TV Show Drama, Summer TV Show, TV Actor: Drama – Ian Harding, TV Actress: Drama – Troian Bellisario, TV Villain – Janel Parrish, Summer TV Star: Female – Lucy Hale, Summer TV Star: Male – Keegan Allen)
  11. People’s Choice Awards 2014 (Favorite Cable TV Actress – Lucy Hale)
  12. Teen Choice Awards 2014 (TV Show: Drama, TV Actor: Drama – Ian Harding, TV Actress: Drama – Lucy Hale, Summer TV Star: Female – Ashley Benson, Summer TV Star: Male – Tyler Blackburn, TV Female Breakout Star – Sasha Pieterse)
  13. People’s Choice Awards 2015 (Favorite Cable TV Drama)
  14. MTV Fandom Awards 2015 (Feels Freak Out of the Year)
  15. Teen Choice Awards 2015 (TV Show: Drama, TV Actor: Drama – Ian Harding, TV Actress: Drama – Lucy Hale, Summer TV Star: Male – Tyler Blackburn, Summer TV Star: Female – Ashley Benson, TV: Villain – “A”
  16. People’s Choice Awards 2016 (Favorite Cable TV Drama)

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